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Get remote help with troubleshooting, maintenance and installation via pc or mobile.

Remote support

If you are having problems with the instrumentation on board our technicians might be able to help you remotely. This can be done either via the phone or PC depending on your situation. Remote support can be extremely effective, and you only pay for the technician’s time so you save on the transport costs.

If you want to find out if we can help you, contacts via the information below.


Smilende person sidder bag skærm med headset på


Monday - Thursday:
08:00 - 16:00 (GMT+1)
08:00 - 14:00 (GMT+1)
Saturday - Sunday:
Emergency phone

+45 2085 6066


In case of urgent need of service for either repairs or unplanned maintenance, our service department is available 24/7 via e-mail and phone, and we are ready to travel on short notice. 
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