To secure clean drinking water on board it is important to frequently test it. Furthermore, several regulations have been put into place, for example the Ballast Water Treatment regulation, in order to safeguard the environment. This means you must test emission water for human health risks as well as invasive aquatic species. This can be done by either easy to use kits or more accurate equipment. Insatech offers both high tech/high accuracy equipment for water testing, but also financial friendly kits.

Water test kit
Potable Water Test Kit
As the crew’s health is a key factor to operate a vessel, it is essential that you can test the potable water for possible contamination efficiently and reliably. The cost effective Potable Water Test Kit is an easy to use test kit containing all necessary tests to document and monitor bacterial and chemical contents of the water used on board by crew. Content can be modified according to your needs.

Water test kit
Ballast Water Test Kit
The Ballast Water Test Kit is a cost effective pass/fail test kit, that provides the crew on board with the possibility to monitor efficiency and functionality of the vessel’s Ballast Water Treatment System, all according to regulations and requirements (D-1 & D-2), incl. US Coast Guard. Content can be modified according to your needs.

Water test kit
Sewage Effluent Test Kit
With the cost effective Sewage Water Test Kit, the crew on board can perform pass/fail test of the vessel’s sewage effluent. All tests are easy to perform and can be executed by the crew. Thereby, it is easily documented that all discharges are in compliance with relevant regulations. Content can be modified according to your needs.

Water test kit
Cooling Water Test Kit
Cooling water systems require consideration of scale formation, corrosion and microbiological contamination, affecting heat exchangers. Corrosion control is usually achieved through chemical treatment based on a number of different parameters including nitrite, molybdate and phosphorate. Monitoring of these factors is essential to prevent overdosing.

Water test kit
Boiler Water Test Kit
The most common issues with boilers and heating systems are scale formation and corrosion, resulting in reduced efficiency, safety and system life. It is therefore necessary to develop a maintenance and treatment regime to mitigate these effects, and the Boiler Water Test Kit can aid in this matter with simple and easy to perform tests of boiler water.

Water test kit
Legionella Test Kit
Laboratory analysis can take up to 14 days to obtain the results. Both our Legionella test kits are very quick and effective to deliver results for the presence of legionella bacteria in minutes instead of days (within 35 minutes).

Water test kit
Portable Ballast Water Treatment System
The FastBallast from Chelsea Technologies Group is a high accuracy, battery powered, portable Ballast Water Treatment (BWT) monitor, which can be used to determine whether or not the BWT on board is compliant in its performance.

Water test kit
Produced Foam Test Kit
The Produced Foam Test Kit makes it easy for you to do foam testing and calibration. This cutting-edge test kit is meticulously crafted for the validation, testing, and calibration of firefighting foam induction systems, making it an indispensable tool for fire safety professionals.