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SILSTER168 Kvadrat

The SILSTER 168 automatically sterilizes the water of the fresh water holding tank with no need for crew interaction and practically no maintenance need. Also bunkered water can be sterilized without manual setting of current and time.

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Fresh water system sterilizing with Silver Ions

The Fresh Water Silver Ion Sterilizer type SILSTER 168 is based on a well proven method used for many years. Using silver ions for disinfection is completely harmless to humans, meeting the requirements of European Community directive 80/778/EEC.

As an added benefit you avoid the piping corrosion normally caused by chlorination. The SILSTER 168 automatically sterilizes the water of the fresh water holding tank with no need for crew interaction and practically no maintenance need. Also bunkered water can be sterilized without manual setting of current and time. The long lasting sterilizing effect of the silver ions combined with the fact that it doesn’t change the taste, smell or colour of the water makes it ideal for a number of applications.

Key features

  • Compact design
  • User-friendly interface
  • Well proven method
  • Fully automatic silver ion discharge
  • Fail-safe, an alarm output
  • Easy to change electrode

How it works

The SilSter 168 has a silver ion injection chamber with a silver electrode. Through this silver ion injection chamber flows water taken from the hydrophore system and lead back to the FW holding tank for dilution. When the SilSter 168 control unit gets a signal from the FW maker product line that fresh water is being made and lead to the FW holding tank, the control unit does two things. It opens a solenoid valve initiating a water flow through the silver ion injection chamber, and it leads an electrical current to the silver electrode in the silver ion injection chamber. The electrical current to the silver electrode corresponds to the FW production rate in order to inject the desired amount of silver ions into the FW holding tank.


Silster 168 - how it works

Technical features

Please find below general list of technical and installation features.

  • Capacity up to 240 m3/day with 0.1 ppm silver ion concentration
  • Silver ion concentration within requirements of EC directive 80/778/EEC
  • Dual smart inputs for water maker status or flow meters
  • Automatic disinfection of bunkered water, no time & current setting needed
  • User interface with LCD display and keypad
  • Relay outputs for function alarm and valve control
  • Power supply 85VAC … 285VAC
  • Electrode life time 2500 m3 (with 0.1 ppm silver ion concentration)
  • Detachable instrument panel for flexible installation

Spare part list for the Silster168

We deliver all the necesarry spares for the Silster 168 quickly and cost effective using below descriptions.

  • Silver electrode
  • Flow swicth
  • Fuse MFT 1A/250V

Silster 168 - control unit, electrode chamber

Fresh water system bacterial growth prevention

Regardless how sterile the fresh water is when it comes from a fresh water maker or when it is taken in port, there will always be small deposits of bacteria somewhere in the system regardless of how well it has been cleaned. And bacterial growth will occur, especially is the temperature is favourable for it. One common way to inhibit bacterial growth is by adding chlorine to the water. However, in addition to the difficulty of dosing the chlorine correctly and safely, chlorination causes corrosion in the piping, the water will taste and smell of chlorine, and the effect is not very long lasting since the chlorine tends to evaporate from the water. A good alternative is to add silver ions to the water.

A correct and accurate dosing is easy to arrange with a silver electrode in the water since the amount of silver added to the water corresponds directly to the electrical current lead to the electrode. Silver ions do not cause any corrosion or any smell or taste to the water, and their inhibiting effect is much longer lasting than with chlorination. The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency recommends in its Merchant Shipping Notice MSN1845(M) that a minimum of 0,1ppm of silver ions is added to the water in the FW holding tank to ensure that the silver ion concentration stays at 0,08ppm in the whole FW system.

Concentration of silver ions

For fresh water disinfection it is recommended to add 0.1ppm of silver ions into the fresh water holding tank. The minimum time required for sterilization to take effect is 4 hours after the silver has been added to the water in the tank. This should ensure a maximum of 0.08ppm silver in the distribution system (refering to below). 

MSN1845 (M), "Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Food and Catering: Provision of Food and Fresh Water", Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), United Kingdom.

Insatech Medarbejdere Website MSR
For technical questions

Martin Søvind Jensen

Tel: +45 2761 4502


Write to Martin

Insatech Medarbejdere Website ASMI
For commercial inquiries

Astrid Mihut

Tel.: +45 5537 2095



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Technical Specifications

Up to 240 m3/day with 0.1 ppm silver ion concentration


Silver ion concentration within requirements of EC directive 80/778/EEC


Dual smart inputs for water maker status or flow meters


Relay outputs for function alarm and valve control

Power supply

85VAC … 285VAC

Electrode life time

2500 m3 (with 0.1 ppm silver ion concentration)

Product specifications and manuals

  • Brannstrom, Silster 186 - Brochure
    English | pdf
  • Brannstrom, Silster 168 - Datasheet
    English | pdf
  • Brannstrom, Silster168 - User Manual
    English | pdf

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