How it works
The energy is not absorbed or in any way affects the media being measured.
The radiometric system works by directing an energy of radioactivity through the sterilizer to a detector.
As the level rises, this will shield the detector from the energy. The detector will then sound an alarm.
- Touchless density measurement or as a level indicator
- Adjustment with PLICSCOM and PC
- Compact, modular plics © design
Easy to commission and service
- Can be mounted and adjusted without filling or emptying the container.
- Easy setting with display, PC software or HART® terminal.
Calibration of the system is done easily and simply using Pactware or a PLICSCOM. It is free to choose whether to use the system for high alarm, low alarm or density. In addition, an automatic calibration or a manual calibration can be performed. By automatic calibration, the reaction time is determined by the detector. By manual calibration you can determine the reaction time yourself