Shaft Power Limiters are a part of the MARPOL EEXI regulations and is used to limit the power output of a ship's propulsion system thereby reducing carbon emissions. We have type approved and OMM book certified solutions that can help you meet regulations.

Read more about Shaft Power Limiters

Shaft Power Limiter


The ShaPoLi ECO 8 uses an existing torque meter to limit the shaft power of your ship, thereby reducing the CO2 emissions in accordance with the IMO EEXI regulation. ECO 8 will help you monitor and record the shaft power and set the power limitations using any output signal. The solution has several type approval and OMM book certifications making it an obvious choice for your vessel.

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What is a Shaft Power Limiter?

A shaft power limiter (ShaPoLi), also known as a non-overridable power limitation (NOPL), is a system that limits the power output of a ship's propulsion system to a maximum level that is determined by its Energy Efficiency Existing Index (EEXI) value. The purpose of a shaft power limiter is to ensure that the ship operates within its EEXI limits and does not exceed its calculated maximum power output. The system may use various sensors and control mechanisms to adjust the engine's power output and ensure that it remains within the permitted range. Shaft power limitation is required for ships that are subject to the EEXI regulations under the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) amendments to the MARPOL Annex VI convention.

Onboard Management Manual (OMM)

According to MEPC.335(76) the ShaPoLi / EPL system should also be accompanied by an Onboard Management Manual (OMM) that is permanently available on board the ship for inspection. The OMM includes, among others, a technical description of the main system, the maximum shaft power the unit is designed for, and the ShaPoLi record book for recording service, maintenance and calibration of the systems.

Our Solutions for Shaft Power Limitation

We provide type-approved and OMM book certified solutions for shaft power limitation. The ShaPoLi is designed to help maritime companies meet the MARPOL EEXI regulations and reduce carbon emissions effectively and efficiently.

Our shaft power limiter ensures accurate and reliable measurement of power output. The system constantly monitors the engine's performance and gives an alarm if the power exedes the permitted range. With our solution, you can have confidence in complying with the EEXI limits and avoiding any penalties or non-compliance issues.

The solution we provide is certified based on the IACS Rec.172 EEXI regulations and is type and OMM book certified with:

  • ABS
  • Bureau Veritas
  • DNV
  • Lloyd’s Register
  • RINA

And OMM book certified with:

  • CCS
  • ClassNK
  • Korean Register

Why Choose Our Shaft Power Limiter Solution?

  1. Type Approved and OMM Book Certified: Our solutions meet the highest industry standards and are officially approved for use in compliance with the MARPOL EEXI regulations. With our product, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are using reliable and compliant systems.
  2. Accurate and Reliable Performance: Our shaft power limiters provides precise measurement of power output giving alarms to ensure that your ship operates within the permitted range, optimizing fuel consumption.
  3. Easy Installation and Integration: Our ShaPoLi solution is designed for easy installation and integration with several different brands of torque meters. Our team of service technicians can help you through the process and provide support to ensure a smooth implementation.
  4. Expert Support and Training: We understand that implementing new solutions can be challenging. That's why our team of experts is available to provide support and training throughout the process. We will ensure that your crew is well-equipped to operate and maintain the system effectively.


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