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When you start measuring your fuel consumption with accurate flow meters you can gain great insights into the ships everyday consumption. It gives you the means to adjust how you sail and find the most optimal way that saves you money. It also shows you the change in consumption when you implement improvements like hull cleaning and gives you a basis to make data driven decisions.

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Start by “picking the low hanging fruits”

Operational efficiency in shipping is a condition for staying in business. Increasing crew awareness and knowledge of accurate fuel consumption is key to getting the most out of improvement projects and new procedures. And measurement accuracy is the cornerstone of securing the added profit when optimising the operation.

Maritime operation requires a high degree of attention towards operational efficiency and awareness on board vessels, both as a way to reduce costs but also due to legal and environmental requirements. Knowing your operation and basic consumption is a prerequisite for being able to determine  fluctuations, and identify if/why an increased consumption has occurred. It is also important to know basic consumption when optimizing via performance improving investments in systems or equipment.

Since 50% – 70% of OPEX (Operating Expenses) is constituted by the cost of fuel, always knowing actual fuel consumption is worth your while. Add to the fuel cost the continuously increasing requirement regarding environmental issues; documenting your vessel’s number one contributor to emissions  – the fuel – via an automated system will provide you with constant certainty of your emission levels. Measuring fuel consumption accurately and continuously is an obvious “low hanging fruit”.

Marine fuel flow meter accuracy matters

How much fuel is consumed on board a ship, is directly related to the performance. The better the performance, the lower the fuel consumption during operation. In this equation accuracy is not negligible. An offset of 1% in measurement on a vessel operating 200 days a year consuming an average of 100 tons a day equals an offset of 200 tons a year. Depending on the price of HFO or MGO used, this misread has the potential to range up to USD 100,000. The Coriolis Mass Flow Meters used in our Fuel Consumption System has an accuracy better than 0,2% of nominal flow directly measured in mass, whereas most volumetric flow meters are in the range 0,5% to 2,0% – and they rely on volumetric conversion which depends on the  temperature to calculate a mass flow.

Know when you make money - and make more!

Without accurate measurements of the consumption of fuel on board, it is truly difficult to determine what effect any changes in installations, procedures or maintenance has had. Relying on either noon reports or measurement instrumentation of lower accuracy can make it very difficult to know the exact benefit of fuel saving projects – or at least delay the proof. Therefor the installation of a Fuel Consumption System is a way to increase your competitive advantage by freeing your crew’s hands from operation and maintenance of the instruments, which allows them to focus on their primary task - Optimizing the efficiency of the ship and thereby increasing profits.

The Fuel Consumption System can also be upgraded to the Performance Monitoring System.

What the Marine Fuel Consumption System Does

The Fuel Consumption System lets the fuel consumption data work for you to increase crew awareness, consumption trending, maintenance planning, etc. It works by utilising a number of mass flow meters to measure the fuel consumption. The flow measurements are collected, logged and displayed on an operator interface, which can be placed where ever you need it.

Direct measurements of fuel efficiency

By installing one or more mass flow meters (depending on engine supply line layout and desired insight) fuel consumption can be monitored closely in real-time. The main principle is to measure the flow of fuel before and after the engine and/or generators. When you compare the consumption data with measurements of actual speed and position (based on speed log and GPS signals) you are able to directly measure the fuel efficiency.* If you require more detailed readings, additional flow meters can be installed, for example one set of meters per consumer or one set for the ship’s entire consumption.

Easy access to measured data

The measurements from the flow meters will be sent through Modbus signals to a collecting and processing cabinet with built-in or remote screen. Here the consumption will be calculated, displayed and logged. If you want the data sent to headquarters this requires the data link option which consists of two databases: One on board the ship and one at headquarters. Data will be sent at the frequency chosen between the two databases. If the ship does not have an internet connection for a period of time, data will merely be stored and sent home once the connection is re-established.

Make the data work for you

Once the data is acquired and displayed use it to:

  • Optimise operational efficiency by testing your trim tool
  • Implement and maintain your SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan)
  • Create KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) for each voyage
  • Evaluate improvement projects before fleet roll out
  • Monitor the ship’s consumption trend over time to improve your maintenance planning
  • Monitor and improve your current CII rating

And most importantly let the crew get data insight to increase crew awareness as well as improving knowledge of operational performance.

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DataLink transfers data between fleet and shore

DataLink is an optional feature that automatically transfers the data collected on board to your own or a third-party database. This happens whenever an internet connection is established, and data validation ensures that no data is lost in the process. If no connection is available, the vessels database will just save the data locally, until the connection is reestablished.

Our systems collect a minimum of data which can be transferred on even the most challenging satellite internet connection furthermore DataLink checks the shore database for the latest data available and only transfers the new data further minimizing the amount of data that needs to be transferred.

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Operation of the Fuel Consumption System

Once installed the Fuel Consumption System is easily operated. The operator panel can be placed in the engine room, engine control room or on the bridge, depending on your use or preference. The interface is intuitive and provides a fast overview of the different consumers, ensuring the crew gets the necessary information in order to take action.

A fully automated system

The Fuel Consumption System is fully automated and does not require any hands-on operation during normal conditions. The operator panel displays the measured consumption and has different options for showing data, but otherwise needs little attention.

System and data display matching your requirements

The data displayed depends on the system you choose to install, from the smallest system which simply shows the consumption of one or two consumer  groups, to more extensive systems that display a large number of consumers. The system does not need any input or activation to run once it has been installed.

Main Engine Overview 

The display of the main engine overview provides a total view of the main engine’s fuel consumption. A consumption trend line shows an accumulation of the most recent data. The setup is dependent on the number of installed meters.

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Main Engine

If you want a more detailed view, simply select a main engine from the overview screen. From here it is possible to get the actual and total consumption of the given engine, as well as values for engine inlet and outlet such as mass flow, volume, density, temperature and total mass.

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Auxiliary Engine Overview

From the Aux engine screen you get an overview of all your auxiliary engines’ consumption. As with the main engine overview, this also provides an easy to read display of consumptions, trends and engine loads.

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Service Parameters 

The service parameters displays raw data for each flow meter related to consumers. It shows the main menu data and provides the possibility for a manual totalizer. From here the alarm status screens are setup. Furthermore the green light shows that the communication between flow meter and system is intact.

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Installation setups

1-meter setup   

The simplest way of measuring fuel consumption is by installing a single flow meter, which measures the fuel transferred from the fuel tank to the  settling tank. The level of fuel in the settling tank is typically maintained by level sensors, and therefore the flow to the settling tank is equal to what is consumed.

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3-meter setup

If more detailed monitoring is desired, then a 3-meter setup can be introduced. With the 3-meter system, the total fuel consumption is monitored by  flow from fuel tank to settling tank. A set of flow meters, installed on the common auxiliary fuel supply line and return line, will provide the  total consumption measurement of the auxiliary engines. By subtraction, the main engine fuel consumption can be calculated. By splitting the main  engine and the auxiliary engines, the crew on board as well as on shore has a much more detailed overview of how the consumers perform.

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Full consumer insight

To gain full understanding of the fuel consumption, you measure on each consumer inlet and outlet. This will provide a complete insight into each  consumer’s fuel consumption, and any deviations from performance expectations or norms, can easily be pinpointed. This can potentially aid in  preventative maintenance planning and better utilisation of auxiliary engines.

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Your own setup

Insatech Marine is not restricted regarding installations. Therefore if you have your own specific setup that you would prefer, we can accommodate  a corresponding setup or install the system on existing flow meters. In such cases we will typically include an engine pre-inspection to ensure technical feasibility of the setup.


Insatech Marine provides you with turnkey solutions
The system installation does not generate unnecessary costs, it will not alter your schedule or put your vessel out of service. Our experienced technicians install and commission the system while your vessel is in service, whether at sea, in port or dry dock. We are ready to move out at your preferred destination and time.

Do It Yourself - or let us install

The system is programmed, calibrated and has been initially setup by our technicians to minimize installation time onboard. The crew on board will in some cases be able to install the equipment under the guidance of Insatech Marine’s technicians, to ensure correct placement and electrical installation. This minimizes cost and required man-hours, while ensuring maximum benefit of the system during use. However, we are also able to provide installation with commissioning, tests and training of the crew. We can complete the installation at sea, in port or dry dock at your preference.

Turnkey solutions and installations; at sea, in port or dry dock at your preference.

Turnkey solutions and installation

Service, Maintenance & Support

If you require a service agreement as part of the system our skilled technicians are ready to service your vessel at all times. While the system requires minimal maintenance an occasional calibration of equipment is recommended.

Service and support is readily accessible

To constantly get highly accurate measurements, your marine equipment must function optimally. This means it must be calibrated according to the purpose, and therefore we provide service options, should the need arise. This is why we have our own technicians ready for service on board your vessel at all times, whether it is a planned service visit or a pressing and acute matter that needs immediate attention.

Minimal Maintenance

As the equipment used for the Bunker Management System is mostly constituted by components without moving parts, the need for active maintenance is minimal. Nonetheless there might be equipment in need of calibration or service from time to time, and depending on the specific setup, a service and maintenance plan will be issued with each individual Bunker Management System.


System variations matching your requirements

Insatech Marine offers a broad variety of system setups all depending on which requirements you need. If you any questions you are always welcome to contact our expert(s) for more information.

Insatech Medarbejdere Website HNI
Henrik Nielsen

Sales Manager

Tel: +45 2761 4538


Write to Henrik

Product specifications and Brochures

  • Brochure - Fuel Consumption System
    English | pdf
  • Brochure - Customized Solutions, Improve your CII
    English | pdf


Find the manual for our Fuel Consumption and Performance Monitoring system here

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