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Insatech Fuel Consumption System Front 16 9

Fuel & Performance

Insatech Fuel Consumption System

When you start measuring your fuel consumption with accurate flow meters you can gain great insights into the ships everyday consumption. It gives you the means to adjust how you sail and find the most optimal way that saves you money. It also shows you the change in consumption when you implement improvements like hull cleaning and gives you a basis to make data driven decisions.

Insatech Performance Monitoring System Front 16 9

Fuel & Performance

Insatech Performance Monitoring System

Continuously increasing the operational efficiency in shipping is a condition for staying in business. Increasing crew awareness and knowledge of accurate fuel consumption is key to getting the most out of improvement projects and new procedures. Data driven decision making in real-time is the cornerstone of securing the added profit when optimising your operation.

sketche of the fuel additive dosing system


Fuel Additive Dosing & Ballast Water Treatment

Cori-Flow Dosing Box for fuel/water additive dosing. Complete additive dosing solution, with high accuracy dosing. It is easy to install and have low maintenance. Remote access (e.g. via Ethernet/Internet).

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