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Setaflash Series 3e Flash Point Tester - 30020-0

The Setaflash Series 3e closed cup flash point tester from Stanhope is a compact and versatile instrument designed for conducting 'flash/no flash' tests and determining flash point temperatures.

The instrument is being supplied with a 2 ml syringe, ignitor, Allen key, mains lead, quick start guide, and instruction manual upon order.

The Series 3e close cup flash point tester gives you:

  • Under 2-minute test time
  • Simple operation
  • Portable, lightweight, and compact instrument
  • Cost efficient
  • Low maintenance.

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Intuitive Touchscreen Interface for Effortless Testing

The Setaflash Series 3e closed cup flash point tester is equipped with a touchscreen interface, intuitive icons lead users through a straightforward testing process. With the ability to operate within a temperature range of 0 to 300 °C, the Series 3e accommodates various testing needs. Additionally, the optional 13870-0 Seta Cooling Module enables testing at temperatures below ambient.

This instrument requires only 2 or 4 ml of sample and completes tests in under 2 minutes. It boasts ample storage capacity, capable of saving up to 10,000 test results in its internal memory. Data can be easily transferred and analyzed via the instrument's USB port, facilitating seamless data management.

Key Advantages for You

The Setaflash Series 3e close up flash point tester has several features that benefits you, which is listed below:

  • Electric ignition system
  • Test completed in under 2 minutes
  • Small sample size: 2 or 4 ml
  • Temperature range from Ambient to 300 °C
  • Easy and straightforward operation
  • Portable, lightweight, and compact design
  • Superior precision compared to other flash point methods
  • Applicable for unknown samples with ramp mode
  • Automatic flash detection feature
  • Automatic barometric pressure correction
  • USB port for data transfer and storage
  • Affordable purchase cost
  • Low maintenance.

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Seta Smallscale Series 3E Stanhope 1024 16X9
Adobestock 164599494 CMYK

Applicable Industries

The Setaflash Series 3e closed cup flash point tester is applicable in a wide range of industries including, but not excluded to:

  • Marine
  • Aviation
  • Biodiesel
  • Chemicals & Solvents
  • Cosmetics & Fragrances
  • Crude Oil
  • Energy & Power
  • Lubricants
  • Paint, Varnish & Waxes
  • Petroleum – Fuels & Oils
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Transportation, Storage & Packaging
  • Waste & Environmental.

Exactly what you need? Contact us here.

Methods of the Setaflash Series 3e closed cup Flash Point tester

The Setaflash Series 3e closed cup flash point tester is fulfilling various methods, which are listed below.

DIN 51 376

Flash And Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup

ISO 2592

Flash And Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup


Test for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup (ASTM D 92-05a)

JIS K2265

Open cup flash tester according to Cleveland


Standard test method for flash and fire points by cleveland open cup

IP 36

Determination of flash and fire points - Cleveland open cup method (ISO 2592:2000)

NF T60-118

The Multiflash-Cleveland fully automates and conforms precisely to national and international Cleveland Open Cup test methods.

ASTM D8254

Standard test method for Flash and Fire Points of Asphalt by Cleveland Open Cup Tester

Operator Sequence Stanhope 1024 16X9

Intuitive Touchscreen Interface

The Setaflash Series 3e Flash Point Tester 30020-0, like the rest of the Series 3, effortlessly navigate test parameters, instrument status, and results with the user-friendly touchscreen display and push button. Furthermore, an automatic flash detector and audible prompt ensure enhanced repeatability.

See an example of the operator sequence here on the right.

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Convenience and Durability

Perform calibration of the Series 3e Flash point tester, like the rest of the Series 3, in the field, saving time and costs typically incurred by sending the instrument to a service center.

Moreover, the rugged design requires minimal operational maintenance for the instrument and ensures consistent performance over time.

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Seta Smallscale Series 3E Stanhope 1024 16X9

Spares and Accessories

All the available spares and accessories for the Setaflash Series 3e closed cup flash point tester is listed below.

Please note, that the instrument is being supplied with a 2 ml syringe, ignitor, Allen key, mains lead, quick start guide, and instruction manual upon order.

Spares and accessories for Setaflash Series 3e Flash Point Tester - 30020-0
Part Number



Heat Sink Compound


Thermometer: Precision Plus Digital


Small Scale Certified Flash Point Material (50 ml)


Portable Digital Barometer


High Temperature Ignitor for Series 8 and Series 3


Syringe 4 ml (Small Scale Flash Point Instruments)


Flash Detector Assembly


Syringe 2 ml (Small Scale Flash Point Instruments)


Seta Solid Sample Dispenser


Seta Coolant Module


Power Supply


Carry Case

Easy Operation

The Setaflash Series 3e closed cup flash point tester can be operated in 4 easy steps. Below you see the operator sequence.

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Seta Smallscale Series 3E Stanhope 1024 16X9
Closed Cup Stanhope 1024 16X9
Operator Sequence Stanhope 1024 16X9

What is flash point?

A test sample is placed in a heated cup equipped with a lid. An ignition source is introduced through an opening in the lid into the vapor space above the heated sample. Observations are made to determine if the vapor ignites (flashes) at the recorded temperature of the sample.

The determination of flash point is outlined in test methods established by standardization organizations such as the Energy Institute in the UK, ASTM in the USA, CEN in Europe, and ISO internationally.

Moreover, atmospheric pressure can influence the result. Low barometric pressure causes flammable vapors to form at a lower temperature, while high atmospheric pressure delays the formation of flammable vapors until a higher temperature is achieved.

Why should you test for flash point?

Flash point testing has been a well-established practice for over a century, helping to evaluate and classify the safety hazards of materials for classification, storage, and transportation. This testing is utilized across various industries, including petrochemical, waste management, and cosmetics.

The primary purpose of measuring flash point is to ensure that appropriate and specific precautions are taken during the manufacturing, storage, transportation, or usage of liquids.

Flammability is categorized into three main classes:

  • Extremely flammable: Flash point below 0°C
  • Highly flammable: Flash point below 23°C
  • Flammable: Flash point below 60°C

Changes in flash point can indicate the presence of hazardous volatile materials or the adulteration of a product. For instance, pure ethylene glycol has a flash point of 111°C, but with just 2% acetaldehyde, the flash point drops to 29°C. Similarly, adding petroleum spirit to engine oil will lower its flash point, indicating possible adulteration.

Accurate and reliable flash point measurements require standardized testing conditions, as over 20 factors can influence the result. These factors include the dimensions of the test cup and lid, the temperature and position of the ignitor, the dipping sequence and frequency, test duration, heating rate, atmospheric pressure, and more.

Exactly what you need? Contact us here.

What is the difference between Close Cup and Open Cup?

Flash point is determined using either an open cup or closed cup flash point tester. Open cup tests are specified in some regulations and are designed to simulate conditions in open environments. In contrast, closed cup tests more accurately reflect situations where space is confined.

Let us explain the difference a bit more in depth. See below.

Closed Cup (CC)

Abel, Abel-Pensky, Pensky-Martens, Tag, Setaflash (CC)

Closed cup tests are designed to simulate the scenario of a liquid spill in an enclosed environment. If the liquid is at or above its flash point, exposure to an ignition source could lead to a fire or explosion. In these tests, the sample is placed in a sealed (closed) test cup, and an ignition source is introduced to determine the temperature at which the sample ignites, referred to as its flash point.

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Closed Cup Stanhope 1024 16X9
Open Cup Stanhope 1024 16X9

Open Cup (OC)

Cleveland, Setaflash (OC)

Open cup tests are designed to simulate the potential ignition of a liquid spill in open conditions, such as a pool of liquid on the floor. These tests are used for fire point, combustibility, and sustained burning evaluations. The fire point is defined as the lowest temperature at which the liquid's vapors ignite and continue to burn after the ignition source is removed. Combustibility and sustained burning tests are typically conducted at a fixed temperature to assess the continuous burning of the sample.

An open cup tester generally yields a higher flash point compared to a closed cup tester because vapors can freely escape into the atmosphere. Closed cup tests are often preferred due to their greater precision.

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What is the methodology of the Tests?


Abel, Pensky-Martens, Tag, Cleveland

The term non-equilibrium indicates that the vapor is not in equilibrium with the liquid. Non-equilibrium flash point tests involve heating the liquid at a steady rate while applying the ignition source at regular intervals.


  • Well-suited to automation
  • Universally available instrumentation
  • Standardized for a wide range of products.


  • Valuable components may escape each time the flame is dipped, leading to artificially high flash points or reduced precision
  • Significant temperature variation between the liquid and vapor in the cup
  • Requires a large sample size (50 to 80 ml per test).



Traditional equilibrium flash point tests use any cup in a water bath to ensure that the liquid and vapor of the sample are in temperature equilibrium. This is achieved through a complex procedure and a very slow heating rate.

The Setaflash small-scale method simplifies the process by using a 2 ml or 4 ml sample, achieving rapid equilibrium between the vapor and liquid in a cup, and providing a reliable flash point result in just one or two minutes.


  • Improved precision compared to non-equilibrium methods
  • The Setaflash instrument offers low-cost, fast measurement for a flash/no flash result
  • Widely used by many industries.


  • Traditional testers can involve a laborious process, especially when larger sample sizes are needed
  • This type of instrumentation is not universally available.

Which Flash Point Testing Method should You be Using?

The suitable method for testing your sample is typically specified in a product specification or regulation, and in some cases, a referee test method may be indicated, which should be the preferred option. If multiple test methods are provided, the choice will depend on factors such as sample size requirements, testing speed, or precision.

When testing specifically for contaminants, some test methods and procedures are more suitable than others. Generally, an equilibrium test method is recommended for samples that might contain traces of volatile contaminants.

You can see the different Testing Methods below.

Seta Flash Small Scale

These methodologies encompass petroleum products and biodiesel liquid fuels, ranging from -30 to 300 °C, utilizing a compact closed cup tester.

These procedures can ascertain whether a product exhibits flash or not at a designated temperature (flash/no flash method A), or determine the flash point of a sample (method B). When coupled with an electronic thermal flash detector, these methodologies are also applicable for flash point assessments of biodiesel like FAME.

Small-scale testers are additionally employed in compliance with shipping and safety regulations such as CLP, aiding in the definition and classification of flammable and combustible materials.

These testers meet the following methods and regulations:

ASTM D1655; ASTM D3278;ASTM D3828; ASTM D7236; ASTM D8174; ASTM E502; CLP

Regulations: DEF STAN 91-91; EPA 1020 A & B; IP 523; IP 524; IP 534; IP 602; ISO 3679; ISO 3680; ISO 9038; UN Class 3 Non-Viscous Flammable Liquids

See All our Small Scale Flash Point Testers here

Seta Smallscale Series 3E Stanhope 1024 16X9
Pensky Martens Setapm 93 35000 0 Stanhope 1024 16X9

Pensky-Martens Closed Cup (PMCC)

These testing procedures encompass the determination of the flash point of petroleum products within the temperature range of 40 to 360 °C, utilizing either a manual or automated PMCC apparatus. Additionally, they are employed to ascertain the flash point of biodiesel within the temperature range of 60 to 190 °C, utilizing automated PMCC apparatus.

These testers meet the following methods and regulations:

ASTM D93; IP 34; ISO 2719


These testing methodologies encompass the determination of the flash point using both manual and automated closed testers for liquids with a viscosity lower than 5.5 mm²/s (cSt) at 40 °C, or below 9.5 mm²/s (cSt) at 25 °C, and with a flash point below 93 °C.

These testers meet the following methods and regulations:

ASTM D56; ASTM D3934; ASTM D3941; ASTM E502; IP 491; IP 492; ISO 1516; ISO 1523

Tag Flashpointtester 13220 2 Stanhope 1024 16X9
Seta C 92 35300 0 1 Stanhope 1024 16X9


These testing procedures outline the process of determining the flash point and fire point of petroleum products using either a manual Cleveland open cup apparatus or an automated Cleveland open cup apparatus. They are applicable to all petroleum products with flash points above 79 °C and below 400 °C, excluding fuel oils.

These testers meet the following methods and regulations:


See All our Cleveland Flash Point Testers here

Why does Flash Point Autosamplers not Comply with Flash Point Test Methods?

Flash point autosamplers or carousels are not integrated into any flash point methods. Consequently, flash points obtained through an autosampler should not be relied upon for product classification concerning transportation, safety, health regulations, or specification purposes. Incorrect product classification can lead to serious repercussions.

Sample cups utilized in autosamplers fail to comply with flash point test method requisites due to the following reasons:

  • Samples contained within a carousel cup with a lid do not satisfy the criteria for a sealed container or the minimum sample volume as prescribed by the test method.
  • Test methods specify that sample volumes within containers that are less than 50% full can impact the accuracy of the test outcome.
  • Test methods caution that the loss of volatile materials can lead to the acquisition of inaccurately high flash points.

Furthermore, precision and bias have not been established for Autosamplers. Autosamplers have not undergone any flash point Interlaboratory Study Program (ILS). An ILS study enables the generation of precision and repeatability statements for a test method. Thus, any precision mentioned in flash point test methods does not pertain to autosamplers.

Insatech Medarbejdere Website MSR
For technical questions

Martin Søvind Jensen

Tel: +45 2761 4502


Write to Martin

Insatech Medarbejdere Website ASMI
For commercial inquiries

Astrid Mihut

Tel.: +45 5537 2095



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Temperature Range

Ambient to 300 °C

Temperature Ramp Mode

Automatic or custom settings (ramp rate: up to 6 °C/min and beep rate: up to 5 °C/B intervals) Extended test range, 100 °C from start temperature

Temperature Selection

°C or °F





Sample cup material


Heating/cooling method

Peltier cell

Measurement time

1 or 2 minutes

Sample volume

2 ml or 4 ml

Pressure correction


Data management
Data storage

1 GB internal memory

Results download

Integrated USB port

User interface

Colour LCD display


Touchscreen/control knob

Power requirements

110 to 250 V a.c~50/60 Hz (universal)


200 W (Max)

Size (HxWxD)

19.5 x 29.5 x 14 cm


3 kg

Specifications & Manuals

  • Data Sheet - Setaflash Series 3e Flash Point Tester - 30020-0 - Stanhope
    English | pdf
  • Article - Flash Point Testing Guide - Setaflash Series 3e Flash Point Tester - 30020-0 - Stanhope
    English | pdf
  • Article - Flash Point Autosampler vs. Flash Point Testing Explained - Setaflash Series 3e Flash Point Tester - 30020-0 - Stanhope
    English | pdf

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