These instruments helps you in the process of determining the flash point and fire point of petroleum products using either a manual Cleveland open cup apparatus or an automated Cleveland open cup apparatus.

Cleveland Flash Point
Stanhope Seta C-92 Automatic Cleveland Flash Point Tester - 35300-0
The Seta C-92 Cleveland Open Cup Flash and Fire Point Tester from Stanhope is a fully automated bench-top device used to determine flash point and fire point temperatures of materials up to 400 °C.

Cleveland Flash Point
Stanhope Seta Semi-Automatic Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester - 13811-3
The Seta Semi-Automatic Cleveland Flash Point Testers from Stanhope features an electrically heated cup with adjustable temperature control, and a motorized arm to observe flash occurrences and record temperature.
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Cleveland Open-Cup (COC)
These testing procedures outline the process of determining the flash point and fire point of petroleum products using either a manual Cleveland open cup apparatus or an automated Cleveland open cup apparatus. They are applicable to all petroleum products with flash points above 79 °C and below 400 °C, excluding fuel oils.
These testers meet the following methods and regulations: