Digital Sensor Link (DSL)
DSL is used to collect analog data from ultrasonic sensors and convert it into digital signals, which are then transmitted to the transmitter. The advantage of DSL is the short cable distance to the sensors, ensuring that the analog signals are not affected by interference, thereby providing excellent electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
FS-DSL is suitable for both clamp-on sensors and inline SONO sensors. It is available for water applications, oil flow measurements, and clamp-on gas measurements.
The module can be used in Ex-Zone 1 (Class 1 Div 1) as an external FS-DSL housed in a pressure-sealed IP66/67 enclosure. The distance to the transmitter can be up to 150 m, from which FS-DSL also receives its power supply. FS-DSL has analog inputs for temperature and pressure measurement and, in the external version, is always designed for up to four measurement channels.
As an optional feature, the FS-DSL module can also be integrated into the SITRANS FST030, but only in the wall-mounted housing version (round version). This version has reduced EMC, fewer measurement channels, and a limited Ex classification.