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Electronic Flowmeter (EGM series)

EMG-Series pulse meters are designed for volumetric flow measurement of clean liquids across a broad range of applications from the maritime to the pharmaceutical industries.
Furthermore, these flowmeters are accurate, inexpensive in procurement, installation and maintenance.

More advantages:

  • Direct volumetric reading, which gives high accuracy and repeatability
  • Temperature and viscosity changes does not affect accuracy
  • Measures liquids both of high and low viscosity
  • No requirements for flow conditioning
  • Only two moving parts.

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High accuracy and repeatability

The EGM-series oval gear meters is a precise positive displacement flowmeters incorporating a pair of
oval geared rotors. The meters are, therefore, independent of viscosity and density, which means that the same high accuracy is obtained regardless of changes in the physical parameters.

Thus, the EGM-Series will generate accurate and reliable measurement of almost all clean liquids. 

Additionally, you will get a flowmeter, that gives a high degree of repeatability because of the direct volumetric reading. 

Monitoring for precision

The Oval Gear Flowmeters from the EGM-Series offer a pulse signal output capable of interfacing to most monitoring and control systems, such as a PLC or DCS.

Moreover, the “Fuel Consumption” option can tolerate flow pulsations and has an inbuilt temperature sensor to correct for the fuel density changes.

The cable output from the flowmeter can also be wired to instruments such as totalisers, rate totalisers or batch controllers.

Besides, the flowmeters can be acquired with monitoring and control output options including 4-20mA, scaled pulse, flow-rate alarms, and batch control logic (preset metering).

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Typical Applications

Aluminum meter with PPS rotors

  • Oils
  • Greases
  • Fuels
  • Fuel Oils

Aluminum meter with SS rotors and Bronze bearings

  • Fuels with high Benzene content
  • Automotive Brake Fluid
  • Solvents such as Turpentine

Stainless Steel meter

  • Alcohols
  • Water-based Liquids
  • Some Aggressive Liquids
  • AdBlue (DEF Urea)
  • Fuel and Oil applications in saline marine environments

Usage in the maritime industry

Flomec EGM-series is especially suitable for flow measurement / dosing of more viscous liquids such as oils, fuels and bunker C Fuel Oil.

Measure your fuel consumption

For an application such as fuel supply to a surplus dosing engine, both flow and return flow must be measured to achieve net consumption.

In addition, the temperature must be measured for volume compensation. For this we also provide temperature sensors and flow computers with standard API / ASTM tables defining the different fuel types.

Setting up a system using the EGM-series flowmeter provide you with an accurate and reliable measurement of its fuel consumption.

Get more information here

Flomec EGM 3 1024X16x9

Choose the right Flowmeter

The Oval Gear Meters use a measuring principle, where a pair of oval-shaped gears in a measuring chamber rotate by the force of the liquid on these. The liquid flows into a chamber and is sealed off once the chamber is full and produces either an electronic pulse or drives a gear to register the volume as it exits the chamber. 

As illustrated in the example on the right, the pulse is generated because the (green) liquid is sealed from both the inlet (red liquid) and exit (blue liquid). This set up would produce four pulses as the meter transmits four identical volumes for every cycle. 

This matters because the simplest meters register each time a bucket is filled. Here the total volume would be the sum of the number of buckets filled. In the complex meters the discrete volumes passed each time can be summed together to see the overall volume passing through the meter.

See all Oval Gear Flow Meters here

Flomec oval gear measuring principle

FLOMEC® EGM Series Electronic Flowmeter

Product Configuration

EGM004 = 1/8" (4 mm) 0.26 - 9.6 GPH (1-36 L/hr)
EGM006 = 1/4" (6 mm) 0.5 - 27 GPH (2-100 L/hr)
EGM008 = 3/8" (8 mm) 4 - 145 GPH (15-550 L/hr)
EGM015 = 1/2" (15 mm) 0.26 - 10.6 GPM (1-40 L/min)
EGM020 = 3/4" (20 mm) 0.5 - 21 GPM (3-80 L/min)

A00 = Aluminum / PPS / No bearing (EGM008-020)
A51 = Aluminum / Stainless Steel / Carbon Ceramic (EGM004-015)
A52 = Aluminum / Stainless Steel / Bronze (EGM004-015)
S00 = 316 Stainless Steel / PPS / No bearing (EGM008-020)
S51 = 316 Stainless Steel / Stainless Steel / Carbon Ceramic (EGM004-015)

1 = Viton (5°F min. [-15°C]) 
3 = Teflon encapsulated Viton (5°F min. [-15°C])
4 = Nitrile, (-40°F min. [-40°C])

8 = 176°F (80°C) max

1 = BSPP (G) female threaded (ISO 228)
2 = NPT female threaded

0 = Hall effect output (no calibration) (2 m cable)
1 = Hall effect output with one point calibration and K-Factor (2 m cable)
2 = Fuel consumption (Pulsating flow, PT100 temp. sensor, one pt Cal & K-factor) (2 m cable)

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When you buy the Oval Gear Meters, they each, by default, contain a traceable calibration certificate and 2 pulse outputs in the form of a Reed contact and Hall effect sensor.

This means, that it can be used to either have dual resolution of the heart rate signal or as a backup.

Additionally, there is a wide selection of different LCD display types associated with this series, so you can get a display of the values ​​for instantaneous flow (eg l / h or m³ / h) and total flow (eg l or m³).

You also have the option to get a traditional mechanical display.

See all the accessories here


Insatech Medarbejdere Website MSR
For technical questions

Martin Søvind Jensen

Tel: +45 2761 4502


Write to Martin

Insatech Medarbejdere Website ASMI
For commercial inquiries

Astrid Mihut

Tel.: +45 5537 2095



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We strive to make it easy for you as an end consumer to find the products you are looking for while supporting agents and resellers looking to grow their business. Whether you’re buying for your use or resale, we’re here to meet your needs.

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Technical Specifications
Normal Size

1/8"(4 mm) - 3/4" (20 mm)

Flow range

Norminal Flow Range* @ 3cP: 0.26 GPH(1.0 L/hr) - 145 GPH(550 L/hr)
                                                    .26 GPM(1 L/min) - 21 GPM (80 L/min)

Flow Range @ 1cP: 0.25 GPH(2 L/hr) - 116.24 GPH(440 L/hr)
                                 0.39 GPM(1 L/min) - 16.91 GPM (64 L/min)

Flow Range @ 7cP: 0.13 GPH(0.5 L/hr) - 145.29 GPH(550 L/hr)
                                 0.13 GPM(0.5 L/min) - 21.13 GPM (80 L/min)

Flow Range @ 200cP: 0.10 GPH(0.4 L/hr) - 145.29 GPH(550 L/hr)
                                    0.10 GPM(0.4 L/min) - 21.13 GPM (80 L/min)

Flow Range @ 500cP: 0.06 GPH(0.25 L/hr) - 145.29 GPH(550 L/hr)
                                     0.08 GPM(0.3 L/min) - 26.42 GPM (80 L/min)

Flow Range @ 1000cP: 0,03 GPH(0.12 L/hr) - 95.10 GPH(360 L/hr)
                                        0.05 GPM(0.2 L/min) - 13.21 GPM (80 L/min)




± 1% of reading (on the EGM004, EGM006 and EGM008) and ± 0.5 of reading (on the EGM015 and EGM020)


Typically ± 0.03% of reading

Ambient Temperature Range

5° F to +176° F (-15° C to +80° C)

Fluid Temperature Range

23˚F to +176˚F (-5˚C to +80˚C)

Max. Pressure (AI meters)

290 psi (20 bar) - 500 psi (34 bar)

Max. Pressure (SS meters)

290 psi(20 bar) - 800 psi (55 bar)

Protection Class


Recommended Filtration

200 mesh [75 μm] - 100 mesh [150 μm]

Pulse Output Type

NPN Open Collector (Hall Effect Sensor)


5 - 24 V (dc)

Current Draw

20mA max.

Switching Current

10mA max.

Pulse Output Resolution - Standard Pulse/USG [Pulse/L]

398 [105] - 10600 [2800]

Pulse Output Resolution - Fuel Cons. Option Pulse/USG [Pulse/L]

99.5 [26.3] - 10600 [2800] 

RTD Specification (Integral Option 2)

Platinum Resistance Thermometer 100 Ohms (PT100) Class F0.3


*Maximum flow reduces as viscosity increases, see flow de-rating guide.
Max recommended Pressure drop is 14.5 psi (1 bar).

+When used to meter rate, at very low flow rates, the rate can jump, due
to resolution (not accuracy)

Model/ Type
Product Identifier
  • EGM004: 1/8" (4mm) Oval Gear Meter, 1-36 L/hr, 0.26-9.5 USG/hr
  • EGM006: 1/4" (6mm) Oval Gear Meter, 2-100 L/hr, 0.53-26.4 USG/hr
  • EGM008: 3/8" (8mm) Oval Gear Meter, 15-550 L/hr, 4-145 USG/hr
  • EGM015: 1/2” (15mm) Oval Gear Meter, 1-40 L/min, 0.26-10.6 USG/min
  • EGM020: 3/4” (20mm) Oval Gear Meter, 3-80 L/min, 0.5-21 USG/min
Materials of Construction
  • A001: Aluminium / PPS / Viton
  • A511: Aluminium / Stainless steel / Carbon Ceramic / Viton
  • S001: 316 Stainless Steel / PPS / Viton
  • S511: 316 Stainless Steel / Stainless steel / Carbon Ceramic / Viton
  • S513: 316 Stainless Steel / Stainless steel / Carbon Ceramic / Teflon encapsulated Viton
Temperature Rating
  • 8: 80° C max. [176° F] max.
Process Connection
  • 1: BSPP (G) female threaded (ISO 228)
  • 2: NPT female threaded
Electrical Options

1: Hall effect output (ISO 228)

2: Fuel Consumption (Pulsating flow Hall effect, PT100 temp. sensor) (2m cable)

Specifications & Manuals

  • Data sheet - EGM Electronic Flowmeter - Flomec
    English | pdf
  • Owners Manual - EGM Electronic Flowmeter - Flomec
    English | pdf
  • Data Sheet - Fuel Consumtion System Marine - Flomec
    English | pdf

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