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AIM Block (Additive Injection Manifold)

The AIM Block from Flomec is a compact manifold assembly which injects small quantities of modifying additives and performance enhancing agents into fuels and base products.


  • High accuracy & repeatability (±1%)
  • Compact stainless steel design with stainless gears
  • All valve assemblies and the meter are detachable
  • Modular process connections (directional)
  • Simple to install, easy to service in situ
  • ATEX/IECEx approved Explosion-proof

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High accuracy and repeatability

The Compact Aim Block is an all stainless steel assembly complete with isolating, flow regulating and check valves, as well as a fine mesh strainer, solenoid valve and a precision oval gear flowmeter.

The inlet and outlet elbows can be placed in three different orientations, which provides flexibility in the installation process. Thus, as all assemblies are modular to the manifold it can be changed instantly in-situ.

The AIM Block, furthermore, functions well with all controller or TAS systems, where it will work as a combined slave assembly to accurate bland fuel additives to fuels in loading facilities, stationary, and mobile transfer units.

The accuracy and repeatability are, therefore, very high (±1%).

AIM Block Flomec 1024X16x9

Typical Applications

The AIM Block can inject small amounts of the following into fuels and base products: 

  • Lubricants
  • Dyes
  • Colorings
  • Denaturants
  • Detergents
  • Odorizing
  • Anti-freeze
  • Anti-corrosion
  • Anti-static
  • Anti-detonating
  • Anti-icing
  • Anti-foaming
  • Emulsifiers.

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Precision and control

The precision of the oval gear positive displacement flowmeter is central to the AIM Block because it has a solid state style NPN Hall Effect pulse output, with the option of an Exd explosion proof terminal housing.

Even a high injection pressure the solenoid valve provide minute proportion control, which is a nother crucial element for the AIM Block. The Solenoid has a fast direct acting valve with an FFKM (Kalrez) seat, that allows for high velocity flows through a small 3mm or 5mm orifice. This is essential to the control.

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AIM Block 1 Flomec 1024X16x9

Choose the right Flowmeter

The Oval Gear Meters use a measuring principle, where a pair of oval-shaped gears in a measuring chamber rotate by the force of the liquid on these. The liquid flows into a chamber and is sealed off once the chamber is full and produces either an electronic pulse or drives a gear to register the volume as it exits the chamber. 

As illustrated in the example on the right, the pulse is generated because the (green) liquid is sealed from both the inlet (red liquid) and exit (blue liquid). This set up would produce four pulses as the meter transmits four identical volumes for every cycle. 

Thus, it matters which Flowmeter you choose because the simplest meters register each time a bucket is filled. Here the total volume would be the sum of the number of buckets filled. In the complex meters the discrete volumes passed each time can be summed together to see the overall volume passing through the meter.

See all Oval Gear Flow Meters here

FLOMEC® AIM Block (Additive Injection Manifold)

Product Configuration

AIM = Additive Injection Manifold

004 = 1/8 in. (4 mm), 0.26-9.5 GPH (1-36 L/hr)
006 = 1/4 in. (6 mm), 0.5-27 GPH (2-100 L/hr)
008 = 3/8 in. (8 mm), 4-145 GPH (15-550 L/hr)

1 = FKM (Viton™) (standard for Alum.) -5º F minimum (-15º C)
3 = Chem-Kit, comprises Teflon & Perfluorelastomer (Kalrez-Kemraz) O-rings -5º F minimum (-15º C)

1 = IECEx / ATEX approved

1 = M20 x 1.5 mm 
2 = 1/2 in. NPT

1 = 24V (dc) x 9W coil (maximum operating pressure 100 psi [7 bar])
2 = 110-115V (ac) / 60 hz x 8W coil (maximum operating pressure 295 psi [20 bar])
3 = 220-230V (ac) / 50 hz x 8W coil (maximum operating pressure 295 psi [20 bar])

1 = IECEx / ATEX approved coil

3 = 3 mm (V (dc) coil = 100 psi [7 bar], V (ac) coil = 145 psi [10 bar] max. differential pressure)
5 = 5 mm (V (dc) coil = 50 psi [3.5 bar], V (ac) coil = 123 psi [8.5 bar] max. differential pressure)

0 = Hall Effect output
HR = High resolution Hall Effect output (Not available for AIM008)


Insatech Medarbejdere Website MSR
For technical questions

Martin Søvind Jensen

Tel: +45 2761 4502


Write to Martin

Insatech Medarbejdere Website ASMI
For commercial inquiries

Astrid Mihut

Tel.: +45 5537 2095



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Technical Specifications
Normal Size:

1/8"(4 mm) - 3/8" (8 mm)

Process Connections:

3/8 in. NPT Elbows, 3x 90˚ orientation positions

Flow Range*:

0,26 - 145 GPH (1-550 L/hr)

*Maximum flow is to be reduced as viscosity increases, see flow de-rating guide.

Accuracy: @3cP



0.25% reading

Temperature Range:

5˚ to 149˚ F (-15˚ to 65˚ C)

Max. Pressure (Static):

440 psi (30 bar)

Max. Pressure (Operating):

DC Solenoid Coils; 100 psi (7 bar)
AC Solenoid Coils; 295 psi (20 bar)

Hall Effect*:

AIM004: 10600 (2800)

AIM006: 3975 (1050)

AIM008: 2650 (710) 

*Electrical Output Resolution - Nominal Pulses per Gallon (Pulses / L)

High Resolution*:

AIM004: 42400 (11200)

AIM006: 15900 (4200) 

AIM008: n/a

*Electrical Output Resolution - Nominal Pulses per Gallon (Pulses / L)

Hall Effect Output (NPN):

3 wire open collector, 5 - 24V (dc) max, 20mA max

Protection Class:

IP66/67 (NEMA 4x); EXd I/II T3...T6

Model/ Type
Product Identifier

AIM: Additive Injection Manifold

Meter Size
  • 004: 1/8 in. (4 mm), 0.26-9.5 GPH (1-36 L/hr)
  • 006: 1/4 in. (6 mm), 0.5-27 GPH (2-100 L/hr)
  • 008: 3/8 in. (8 mm), 4-145 GPH (15-550 L/hr)
Seal Material
  • 1: FKM (Viton™) (standard for Alum.) -5º F minimum (-15º C)
  • 3: Chem-Kit, comprises Teflon & Perfluorelastomer (KalrezKemraz) O-rings -5º F minimum (-15º C)
Meter Protection Approval

1: IECEx / ATEX approved

Cable Entries
  • 1: M20 x 1.5 mm
  • 2: 1/2 in. NPT
Solenoid Valve Voltage
  • 1: 24V (dc) x 9W coil (maximum operating pressure 100 psi [7 bar])
  • 2: 110-115V (ac) / 60 hz x 8W coil (maximum operating pressure 295 psi [20 bar])
  • 3: 220-230V (ac) / 50 hz x 8W coil (maximum operating pressure 295 psi [20 bar])
Solenoid Valve Protection Approval

1: IECEx / ATEX approved coil

Solenoid Valve Orifice
  • 3: 3 mm (V (dc) coil = 100 psi [7 bar], V (ac) coil = 145 psi [10 bar] max. differential pressure)
  • 5: 5 mm (V (dc) coil = 50 psi [3.5 bar], V (ac) coil = 123 psi [8.5 bar] max. differential pressure)
Integral Options
  • 0: Hall Effect output
  • HR: High resolution Hall Effect output (Not available for AIM008)

Specifications & Manuals

  • Data Sheet - Compact AIM Block - Flomec
    English | pdf
  • Owners Manual - Compact AIM Block - Flomec
    English | pdf

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