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High Quality hardware you can trust 
The high-quality workmanship of VAF Instrument products has surely not been omitted in the Oilcon Mark 6M ODME from the Dutch manufacturer. Well built, sturdy and thoroughly thought out – and of course compliant with all the latest requirements for ODME stipulated by IMO. 

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Heavy duty & high quality 

Throughout the Mark 6M version of the Oilcon, VAF Instruments has created a solid and reliable product that they can easily take pride in. High quality and heavy duty are two of the keywords that will pop into your mind when you work with this ODME. Being what is probably the most well-built ODME available, the Oilcon Mark 6M is always a safe choice when you must install or replace an ODME. 

The consequences of non-compliance

Since the ODME is an onboard requirement, the threat of detention is very real – a threat that could end up resulting in delays and unplanned extra cost for the operator. Intentional or unintentional compliance often reaches astounding penalty amounts from several thousands to millions of $. Negligence can also lead to probations, and if made public will typically result in increased scrutiny and governmental check-ups in ports. In some cases it has led to jail time for the offending crew.

The main ODME regulation

  • ODME obligatory installation
    MARPOL 73/78 Annex I, regulation 15
  • Ships real time position inclusion mandatory for ODME installed after 2005
    Resolution MEPC.108(49)
  • Manufacturer recommended spares should be carried to ensure operation
    Resolution MEPC.240(65)
  • By January 1st 2016, Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment must be certified for Bio fuels in order for vessel to carry them
    Resolution MEPC.240(65)

How Does the ODME Work?

We offer certified ODME solutions and installations that meet and exceed regulations – including the latest amendments to MEPC MARPOL’s requirements for monitoring and controlling of ballast water.

The ODME principle is based on a measurement of oil content in the ballast water, which is held up against the regulations and requirements. By data interpretation of an automated process, either allows or prevents discharge of ballast water. A sample point on the discharge line allows the analyzer to determine the oil content of the ballast water in PPM. The analyzer is self-maintained by periodical cleansing with fresh water, and therefore requires a minimum of active maintenance from the crew.

The results of the analyzer are sent to a computer, which determines whether the oil content values are to result in overboard discharge or not. The valves that direct the ballast water either over board or to the slop tank are controlled by the integrated computer. A GPS signal further automates the process by including special areas and completes the required input for the Oil Record Book. 

Type approval certificates for our ODME systems

The ODME systems offered by Insatech Marine are equipped and operational according to IMO MARPOL. It means the ODME system is supplied with type approval certificates and the MEPC specified spare parts list. It is to safeguard the ODME from regular wear and tear and in the unlikely event of a breakdown. The spare parts are delivered when the new ODME is installed, together with consumables for planned maintenance.

Overview of an MARK&M ODME setup (example)

VAF Oilcon Mark6 Illustration

Sample Point, The point where the discharge water sample is taken from for analysis

  • Sample Pump, The sample pump pumps the sample from discharge line to the analyzer
  • Sample Return, After analysis, the sample is returned to the discharge line and either sent overboard or to slop
  • Oil Content Meter, By turbidity the oil content of the discharge sample is found
  • Fresh Water Flush Line, In order to keep maintenance to a minimum, fresh water is used to flush and clean the oil content meter
  • Conversion Unit, Gathers and distributes signals
  • Computer Unit, The computing unit is the brain of the operation, where signals are processed and the control of the valves is carried out, as well as all logging of input from oil content Meter, dP transmitter and GPS
  • Overboard Discharge Valve, If the input values from the ODME are according to regulation, the overboard valve will allow for discharge overboard
  • Slop Tank Valve, Should the oil content be to high, any discharge will only be allowed to slop tank through this valve
  • GPS Signal, The GPS signal will mainly be used for logging, in order for inspectors to control that any overboard discharge within special areas has not taken place

Installation and comprehensive support

No matter how good your equipment is, it is not worth much, if it has not been installed correctly, malfunctions or the crew lacks training in its daily operational use. At Insatech Marine we ease the operator’s job by applying our maintenance and service expertise to ODME systems. This way we free hands onboard, and make cost on maintenance easier to foresee and budget. Furthermore, we offer to manage and maintain both spare parts stock and certificates of the ODME system, in order to ensure continuous compliance.

Stay IMO compliant

Our comprehensive and flexible service program and plan is customized to your specific needs, and ensures constant compliance. Choose whether to let us take care of installation, service, certificates and spare parts, to always secure optimal monitoring and maintenance of the ODME installation, as well as ensure IMO compliance at all times. Or if you want to manage parts of the maintenance yourself the service plan will be made based on what each party is responsible for. The complete service package will release a discount on all future retrofits and larger operations on the ODME system.

Remember to calibrate

ODME requires an annual check and calibration each 5 years to ensure the system is IMO compliant. While we can conduct the mandatory calibration at your preferred destination or between routes, we are located in Denmark. Thus if you happen to pass through Danish waters completing a calibration at sea while reducing travel time will minimize both down time and service costs. 

Our ODME services offers:

  • On-site, onboard installation of equipment
  • Commissioning
  • Training of crew in daily operations
  • Retrofitting of new systems
  • Preventive maintenance
  • Repairs and replacements
  • Calibration
  • On call service technicians
  • Spare part stock of all components
  • Management of onboard spare parts
  • Management of spare parts development and updates
  • Certificate management and monitoring
  • Remote support

Insatech Medarbejdere Website MSR
For technical questions

Martin Søvind Jensen

Tel: +45 2761 4502


Write to Martin

Insatech Medarbejdere Website ASMI
For commercial inquiries

Astrid Mihut

Tel.: +45 5537 2095



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Product Specification and manuals

  • Brochure VAF Oilcon Mark 6
    English | pdf
  • Technical Manual VAF Oilcon Mark 6M
    English | pdf
  • Brochure ODME Insatech
    English | pdf

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