Emissions are not something that must be monitored and controlled for environmental reasons. Most emissions are regulated by state and international laws and agreements, and therefore non-compliance to applicable rules can result in heavy fines or even imprisonment.
Insatech Marine has many years of experience with equipment and instrumentation for emissions monitoring and control, and we can most likely find a solution for your specific needs.
Automated in-line, on time data on the performance of your ballast water treatment system. This in-line ballast water monitor continously measures the prescence of phytoplankton.
The Ballast Water Test Kit is a cost effective pass/fail test kit, that provides the crew on board with the possibility to monitor efficiency and functionality of the vessel’s Ballast Water Treatment System, all according to regulations and requirements (D-1 & D-2), incl. US Coast Guard. Content can be modified according to your needs.
The FastBallast from Chelsea Technologies Group is a high accuracy, battery powered, portable Ballast Water Treatment (BWT) monitor, which can be used to determine whether or not the BWT on board is compliant in its performance.
Atlantium’s Ballast Water Treatment System is a one of a kind system, featuring full functionality with minimum retention time under all water conditions, unpara-lelled power performance for an UV system and the IMO approved One-Pass™ operation. With One-Pass™, the ballast water is only treated during intake and is hereafter treated and ready for deballasting - with zero retention time.
The high-quality workmanship of VAF Instrument products has surely not been omitted in the Oilcon Mark 6M ODME from the Dutch manufacturer. Well built, sturdy and thoroughly thought out – and of course compliant with all the latest requirements for ODME stipulated by IMO.
The Oil Discharge Monitoring System from Brannstrom, CleanTrack 1000 B, has been designed to provide means of monitoring, recording and controlling the ballast discharge in accordance with the requirements in Resolution MEPC.108(49) as amended by Resolution MEPC.240(65) and is also approved for Bio- fuel blends in accordance with MEPC.1/Circ.761 as revised.
The Smart ODME from Rivertrace is a system that monitor, record, and control the slop water and ballast discharge according to the requirements in the MEPC.108(49) for tankers.
Brannstrom BilgMon 488 is a bilge water oil content monitor designed for marine applications. It is used to ensure compliance with IMO MEPC.107(49) regulations by continuously measuring the oil content in bilge water before discharge overboard.
The GreenMon is a different instrument from the regular 15 ppm monitor. The instrument is mainly used for dirty water applications where the optical measuring principle of the regular 15 ppm instrument cannot be used.
Environment Protection Regulations and Their Implications
As the world’s political agenda continuously moves towards a greener profile with higher focus on environmental sustainability, the shipping industry has been subject to more regulation which purpose has been to limit the individual vessel’s pollution. Not only from the combustion of fossil fuels but also any kind of discharges that stem from operating the vessel. These regulations applies an additional workload and extra costs on owners and operators as they have to install systems and equipment that do not add direct operational value to the vessel, but rather make some procedures more difficult. Regardless of the trouble these regulations put on the operation, it is rarely an economic advantage to work around them as this can result in not only heavy fines, but also incarceration of responsible crew.
Having the systems and following the procedures set out by international and local authorities is not alway enough to avoid unexpected interest from port authorities, as malfunctioning equipment or an unexpected change in operating conditions may have influenced the desired effect. Therefore, it can be of interest to some, to implement further measures of emissions or discharge to ensure that everything is as expected.
A given example where extra control from crews side could be beneficial is the delivered fuel. Regulations dictate, that the sulfur content can only be of a certain concentration and of course this is something that is stated when a fuel delivery is ordered. But in the case that the delivered oil is either off spec or is mixed with the previous batch in the tank and ends up with a too high sulfur content, it will be the vessel that is responsible and will have to suffer the consequences in case of a surveyor’s penalty. Since this is not something that can be passed on to the fuel supplier it would make sense for the vessel to have the capability to measure the sulfur content on board.
Some of the regulations require that specific instrumentation or systems are in place on board, and since measurement is our core competence, it is obvious that we provide some of these. Often the systems and instrumentation that is mandatory are also required to follow a calibration and/or functionality check scheme, we naturally offer these services to ensure your compliance with international requlations.
In the upper section, you can see a selection of the systems and instrumentation that we offer to ensure that your vessel is in compliance with the regulations.