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Portable Sulfur Analyzer

Fully hand Portable XRF device (about the size of a bowling ball) that will analyse a 10ml (approximately) sample of fuel and give a lab quality Sulphur level to four decimal places within three minutes.  No reagents or accurate sample sizes required, and the push of one button will give you the answer you need. 

For sales or commercial inquiries please contact us at

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Bunker Fuel Sulphur Measurement

Samples can be taken at multiple intervals and if an anomaly is found, the supplier, broker, purchaser or vessel operator can respond immediately and take action before the vessel sails.  Switching fuel whilst underway can be carried out with confidence and if blending has to take place, a finite Sulphur level can be guaranteed. Bunker delivery notes can be verified by the purchaser and confidence can be restored.

As a Port State authority there has always been concern about how to police the new Sulphur cap, as surveyors would only be presented with historical data of what had been burned, or paper evidence of what is in the tanks*. If a surveyor has a Portable XRF6111 device, samples can be taken immediately and it can be established whether the vessel should be subject to further investigation or ‘passed’ as meeting IMO regulations.

Portable Sulfur Analyzer

Easy-to-Use and Fast

The XRF sulphur analyser has several key features including: 

  • Lightweight, portable and self-contained instrument
  • Very easy to operate
  • Faster and more accessible testing
  • Developed to be used onboard a vessel in operation.

Contact us now and let's talk price!

What is included in the XRF Sulphur Analyser?

XRF Check Standards (Part code: ACCK04002) includes:

  • 0.35 % Sulphur Standard - 100ml
  • 2 % Sulphur Standard - 100ml
  • 3 % Sulphur Standard - 100ml

XRF Consumables Pack (Part code: ACCK04001) includes:

  • Sample Cup - 100
  • Dose Syringes - 100
  • Test Mylar for Cube 100S Plus - 1 reel (30mtr)
  • Copper target - Pack of 5
  • Adhesive labels - 1 reel (10mtr)

Need our help? Contact us here!

XRF Analyser Parker With Hand
Ordering Information
Part Number



XRF Check Standards


XRF Consumables Pack

Why use the portable XRF 6111 Analyser?

The XRF Analyser combines simplicity with accuracy. Its standalone operation means that it offers immediate plug-and-play operation.

  • Integrated into the small, lightweight housing is a high-resolution LCD touch-screen display which enables fast operation and delivers clear results.
  • The operator simply draws the sample of fuel oil from the ship’s system into the sample container, places it in the XRF Analyser and presses the test button. 
  • As the sample is not damaged or altered during testing, it can be retained for any additional sample analysis.
  • The result of the test is displayed percentage of Sulphur in the sample. This helps to avoid ambiguity and human error by eliminating the need for the operator to interpret the test data.
Portable Sulfur Analyzer
XRF Analyser Parker With Hand
Portable Sulfur Analyzer
XRF Analyser Parker With Hand
Insatech Medarbejdere Website MSR
For technical questions

Martin Søvind Jensen

Tel: +45 2761 4502


Write to Martin

Insatech Medarbejdere Website ASMI
For commercial inquiries

Astrid Mihut

Tel.: +45 5537 2095



Contact us now

Technical Specification
Instrument weight

4,5 kg

Test time

130 seconds(typical)

Unit dimensions

212mm (w) x 258mm (h) x 258mm (d)

X-ray tube

40kW, 100 µA

Detector type

Silicon drift

Measurable elements
  • Sulphur
  • Calcium
  • Titanium
  • Vanadium
  • Chromium
  • Manganese
  • Iron
  • Nickel
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Molybdenum
  • Silver
  • Cadmium
  • Tin
  • Lead

Instruction Manual & Brochure

  • Instruktion Manual Portable XRF Sulphur Analyser Parker Kittiwake
    English | pdf
  • Brochure Portable XRF Sulphur Analyser Parker Kittiwake
    English | pdf
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