Go or no go Cat Fines test
A Test kit to detect catalytic fines to prevent irreparable damage to fuel pumps, injectors, piston rings and liners.
The Parker Kittiwake Cat Fines Test has been designed to flag up HFO samples that may be contaminated with dangerous levels of cat fines before the fuel has even been pumped aboard. The test is simple to perform, cost effective, and can be completed within a few minutes. Experimental results demonstrate that the new test is capable of identifying those fuel samples that have a cat fine concentration of > 60 ppm (Al + Si), and which therefore exceed the limit recommended by ISO 8217:2012. In fact the test has been specifically designed to provide the crew with a clear sail or don’t sail indication with regards to fuel quality.
The Cat Fines Test Kit is a simple to use, chemical bottle test which determines the level of cat fines present in a representative sample of fuel oil, allowing the operator to identify the ingress of abrasive and potentially damaging components in the fuel oil before it enters the system. The test kit can be used in conjunction with both laboratory testing and a range of other onboard condition monitoring tools, ensuring that operators have reliable and accurate data readily to safeguard against potentially catastrophic damage.