Turbocharger Speed Sensor FGL 1/16
This particular sensor is designed to detect various objects made of ferromagnetic material, such as:
- Gear wheels
- Punched discs
- Pins
- Integral shafts.
It comprises a magnet and a coil wrapped around an iron rod, generating a voltage that corresponds to the frequency of the object's movement. By adjusting the distance between the sensor top and the object, the inductive sensor produces an output voltage that is strongly influenced by the object's:
- Speed
- Peripheral speed
- Tooth structure (module)
- The gap between the gear and the sensor.
It's crucial to note that for a gear with 60 teeth, module 2, and a speed of 15 rpm, the gear-to-sensor distance should not exceed 0.5 mm. When the peripheral speed decreases, the gear-to-sensor distance should be reduced, and vice versa. This relationship can be approximated using equation (1) within the range of s = 0.4 to 1.0 mm and m = 2 to 4.
For other objects like pins, holes, or different tooth forms on a shaft, equation (2) is applicable when their dimensions surpass those of a gearwheel with module 4.
When calculating the minimum speeds using this method, the approximate signal voltage is around 0.4 Vpp.
Explaining the shortenings:
n = lower limit of speed measuring range in rpm
m = module of the sensed gearwheel
z = number of teeth on sensed gear wheel
s = distance between pulse sensor and tip of the gear in mm
d = tip diameter in mm