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Tanker FPSO Calibration Kit

Calibration kit

Tankers /FPSO Calibration Kit

Specialized kit made for Tankers and FPSO. The kit includes temperature and pressure calibrators incl. multimeters, loop calibrators and insulation testers.

Supply AHT PSV Calibration Kit

Calibration kit

PSV/ AHTS/ CSV Calibration Kit

Specialized kit made for supply vessels and alike. The kit includes all the necessary equipment to do your pressure, temperature and electrical calibrations on board. A long range 700 bar pump is included in this kit.

Bulk Cargo Container Calibration Kit

Calibration kit

Bulk/Cargo/Container Calibration Kit

Specialized kcalibration kits made specifically for bulk, cargo and container vessels

Insatech Marine Calibration Case 2 16 9

Calibration kit

Insatech Marine Calibration Cases

The Marine Calibration Cases makes it easy to test and calibrate equipment, enabling your vessels to always meet the requirements of the SOLAS (Safety of Life At Sea) ISM regulation. The Calibration Case is available in different sizes to better cater to the specific need of your vessel.

Insatech Marine Kit IKM

Marine Kit

IKM Marine Calibrator and Test Case (Pressure and Temperature)

The IKM Marine Calibrators and Test Case offers a complete set of tools for maintaining your control instrumentation. If you are not sure what the problem is, the Marine Kit offers you the best help in troubleshooting and calibration. The Marine Kit can be used on the engines, propulsion, boilers, hydraulic plant and much more.

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