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Be Prepared When the New ODME Guidelines for Biofuels Take Effect, January 1st 2016

From 1st of January 2016 all ships intending to or carrying biofuel blends needs to have an  ODME (Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment) installed, which is compliant with  MARPOL ANNEX I and is type approved according to MEPC.108(49) as amended by MEPC.240(65). 

Don't Get Grounded Due to Lack of Compliance 

If you are freighting biofuel blends or plan to, then you need to have a compliant ODME installed on your carrying vessels by the date January 1st 2016. And remember the current approval requirements include 5 biofuel blends As from IMO MEPC.240(65). When retrofitting or upgrading make sure your supplier can deliver an ODME with class approval for all 5 blends. 

Decision Time Is Now

As installation takes time and the lead time from ODME makers are increasing because of the high demand, it doesn’t leave you with very much time to make a decision. With this information we hope to spur you into action in order to prevent you or the ship-owner from losing out on lucrative freight, because you didn’t meet the deadline.

In addition to the above, please keep the following in mind: 

  • According to sources there might be added 3 more fuel mixtures to the approval list in the near future, with potential for a later increase. We urge you to ensure your supplier is adequately prepared. 
  • For more information or questions feel free to contact our experts 
  • Read the full DNV-GL Statutory about the bio fuels.

Biofuel definition 

Biofuels are defined as blends consisting of at least 75% petroleum oil.  Blends with lower petroleum content than the above (75% petroleum) are considered chemical-blends and must adhere to the IBC Code Certificate of Fitness. 

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Kenneth Andersson

Senior Sales Engineer - Marine, Industry & Projects

Tel: +45 2085 6078


Write to Kenneth

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