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At Insatech Marine we are expanding our sales channels in order to get closer so our international customers, which means signing on a range of agents, primarily in the EU.

In order to support and inform our agents of our product range and possibilities we hosted a 2 days conference in Copenhagen, for which all our agents were invited. We had the pleasure of greeting: 

At the conference the primary means was to introduce the foundation of our solutions concept, as well as explain how the different solutions fit together. Our customers have different needs and hence the systems are made like building blocks so that you may start with a basic Fuel Consumption System. When the needs of the crew or owner change, the performance systems are upgradable. It means that by adding some extra instruments and data viewing your system is upgraded and evolves with your. It can be done step by step, vessel by vessel as preferred.  

The user interface of the different solutions was highlighted and the ability to see performance results on board and at head quarter. 

During the conference we had some interesting questions and discussions. While the program was packed with solution information, technical explanations and so on, we had time for some shenanigans as well.

Do you want to talk vessel performance on your own language or are you curious as to where our agents have offices, read more

Are you interested in becoming an agent of Insatech, please contact us.

Insatech Medarbejdere Website HNI
Henrik Nielsen

Sales Manager

Tel: +45 2761 4538


Write to Henrik

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