
As mass flow meters (MFM) are getting increasingly common in Singapore not all suppliers sees it as disadvantage, rather Fratelli Cosulich Bunkers (S) Pte Ltd views it the other way around as a business enabler: 

"[The MFM] is useful because it is accurate, but also allows us to understand the process of bunkering even if we're not on board," Ship Management Executive Lim Chiow Sian was quoted and continues: "We can use mass flow meter data to produce tools such as the bunkering profile, which allows us to provide better and more accurate service to our customers."

But it is not only a way to tailor new services to customers – it is just as much a trust creating tool, in a market where customers have gone to expect some kind of cheating or unlawful practices.  Fratelli opts for an early adaptation of mass flow meters, however as the adaptation is already set to 1st of January 2017, in which it will be mandatory for suppliers to have an approved mass flow meter system – as recognized by the Maritime and Port Authorities (MPA) of Singapore, an faster adaptation period seems unlikely.  Read more about the issue here

As of May 16 a third of all registered bunker vessels in Singapore was equipped with mass flow meters and subsequent bunker management systems approved by the (MPA). That is equivalent to 76 out of 226 vessels. Thus there is still some way to go. Read more.

The MPA appears to have already set a hard course for companies not following their license, as wrongful declarations has caused the MPA to revoke the bunker license of two suppliers. Though there is no mentioning of the discrepancy having been related to the absence of an approved mass flow meter system, it does show that the MPA is gearing up, getting ready to deal with suppliers that does not adhere to the standards:

“MPA reminds all licensed bunker suppliers and bunker craft operators to adhere strictly to the terms and conditions of their bunker licences," stated the port authority. "MPA will take firm action against any licensee who has acted in contravention of their licences, including suspending or revoking their bunker licences, as appropriate." Read more. 

Related Solutions

Insatech Bunker Management System Front 16 9

Insatech Bunker Management System

Insatech Marine’s Bunker Management System is developed, designed and constructed to act as a safeguard against manipulation of bunkered marine fuel oil as well as counteracting it. By using equipment and methods that deliver high accuracy inline and real-time measurement during bunker operations, any attempt by the bunker service to gain an economic advantage is detected. This ensures you have the upper hand in any possible disputes.

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