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Here we can provide you with all calibration solutions such as (Temperature, Pressure, Weight …..etc) . Aslo we have the Torque measurement system to prevent your ship from breakdown cost. The flowmeters and vibrations sensors are very important to provide you with accurate measuring .

Read about Marine instruments

Insatech Siemens SITRANS LR100 Radar Level 7ML530 16 9

Radar - Liquids

Siemens SITRANS LR100 radar level transmitter

is a two-wire, loop-powered radar level transmitter designed for continuous, non-contact measurement of liquids and slurries, with a range of up to 8 meters (26 feet).

Insatech Siemens SITRANS LR110 Radar Level 7ML531 16 9

Radar - Bulk solids & liquids

Siemens SITRANS LR110 radar level transmitter

Radar with cable for non-contact, continuous level measurements of liquids and bulk solids under simple process conditions. Range up to 15 meters.

Insatech Siemens LR120 Radar Level 7ML532 16 9

Radar - Bulk solids & liquids

Siemens SITRANS LR120 radar level transmitter

80 GHz radar with cable for continuous level measurements of liquids, slurries and bulk solids under simple process conditions in open air applications.

Insatech Siemens LR140 LR150 Radar Level 7ML533 7ML534 16 9

Radar - Bulk solids & liquids

Siemens SITRANS LR140 radar level transmitter

is a two-wire, loop-powered radar transmitter designed for continuous level measurement of liquids, slurries and solids, with a range of up to 8 meters (26 feet).

Insatech Siemens SITRANS LR150 Radar Level 7ML534 16 9

Radar - Bulk solids & liquids

Siemens SITRANS LR150 radar level transmitter

is a compact radar transmitter for continuous level measurement of liquids, slurries, and solids to a range of 15 m (49.2 ft).

Insatech Siemens SITRANS LR530 Radar Level 7ML755 16 9

Radar - Bulk solids & liquids

Siemens SITRANS LR550 radar level transmitter

The radar has a polymeric horn antenna and can be used for continuous monitoring of solids or liquids up to a range of 120 meters (394 feet). Its lightweight design makes it ideal for open-air applications and for inventory measurement of basic materials in silos and vessels, as well as river level monitoring.

Insatech Siemens Sitrans Lr560 Radar Level 16X9

Radar - Bulk solids & liquids

Siemens SITRANS LR560 radar level transmitter

The SITRANS LR560 is an 80 GHz level transmitter with a lens antenna that can be used for liquids and solids. It can measure up to 100 meters (328 ft) and withstand temperatures from -40...200 °C (-40...+392 °F) and pressures up to 3 bar. It is designed to meet the demands of challenging industrial applications.

Insatech Siemens SITRANS LR580 Radar Level 7ML758 16 9

Radar - Bulk solids & liquids

Siemens SITRANS LR580 radar level transmitter

Is an 80 GHz level transmitter with lens antenna that offers continuous monitoring of solids or liquids up to a range of 120 meters (394 feet). Its design features an aiming capability and an integrated air purge connection, making it ideal for inventory measurement in silos. Additionally, it is well-suited for high-temperature applications in the cement and power industries.

Insatech VEGAPULS 67 1

Radar - Bulk solids

VEGAPULS 67 Level measurement

Level measurement in solids and powders where ultrasonic meters were previously used. Measuring range up to 15 m.

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Marine Instruments

The importance of using proper instrumentation Electrical and mechanical instrumentation invovles design, control and implementation of devices that can measure physical quantities. There is a huge amount of thought behind the proper instrument and installation choices for each small or larger measuring point. All vessels generally use state of the art instrumentation and equipment to manage everything from the engines, steering and navigation system. When the equipment malfunctions it can have a huge impact on the operational efficiency and can cause massive downtime that can put the vessel behind schedule. A broken viscoity sensor can cause wrong engine combustion, wrong additive dosing can reduce fuel efficency or worse; lubrication properties of various lubration oils. A ballast that isnt filled appropriately after loading can impact vessel stability and leaks and dangerous pressure levels in fuel tanks can impact enginre operation or even lead to disaster.

Proper Use of the Correct Instrumentation Is Important

– a Sensor Is Not Just a Sensor

Today’s fleet is generally becoming highly sophisticated operations with equally sophisticated equipment on board. And controlling all this sophisticated equipment correctly and preventing breakdowns is crucial to a smooth and cost-effective operation. Choosing the correct instrument for measuring the processes on board is not only a good idea seen from a practical aspect, but investing the time and possibly a little extra money on instrumentation that is ideal for the task, can ultimately save the vessel both cost and unnecessary interference for the crew on board.

Measurements are used all over the modern ship in order to keep equipment running at optimum conditions. Everything from critical installations such as main engines, auxiliary engines, steering and navigation to other installations such as cranes, cargo pumps and wastewater handling can and should be monitored with optimization in mind. Optimization of processes on board a ship can contribute to better earnings and lower emissions – even if the realized optimization is only constituted by fewer unplanned interruptions such as maintenance works and breakdowns.

A malfunctioning viscosity sensor can cause lower exploitation of the fuel due to wrongful combustion; a hydraulic failure on a crane can cause delay in port operations and interrupt the planned schedule; incorrect ballast control can impact vessel stability and trim causing anything from slightly lower performance to accidents and undetected leaks in cargo and fuel tanks can cause dangerous situations or even lead to disaster.

Choosing the correct instrument for a specific task can be challenging, as a myriad of variations of a single instrument often exist. And just going by the most expensive option or for something that has been recommended, is not always the right way, as the process and media in which the instrument should be installed is what determines what measurement principle and setup should be chosen. Degradation is caused very differently based on what the instrument is exposed to, and one instrument suited for one place on board might be unsuitable for another; a different pressure might cause inaccurate reading or mechanical failure and a different media could do the same. 

Across the specialists at Insatech, we have the knowledge and experience to find the right instrument for your specific application as well as we can guide you to install it correctly. Making your operation as smooth and efficient as possible is always our goal with our counselling and services, as your success leads to our success!

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