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Since 2014 Insatech Marine has installed more than 1,500 mass flow meters and data collection on 200+ vessels for an international shipping line to give a more detailed insight into the vessels fuel consumption to save cost and reduce their CO2-emmission.

Fuel economy is crucial for the marine industry because fuel consumption constitutes more than 60 % of the expenses of operating a ship (OPEX). That is why one of our customers back in 2014 launched a project, which purpose was to get better and more detailed insights into the fuel consumption of their ships and find areas where they could reduce the consumption.

To gain the most precise insight into the fuel consumption the customer wanted to use mass flow meters because of their very high accuracy. When they put out the tender, they were looking for a partner that could deliver mass flow meters, install them, and collect the data, in order to send it to their preferred performance platform for further analysis. Insatech chose to bid on the assignment, already having developed and installed its own Performance System, that uses Yokogawa Mass Flow Meters and well knowing, the quality and accuracy of the meter could solve the task.

Developed a unique installation concept

During the tender Insatech developed a unique hub installation concept together with the customer which minimizes the impact on the ship’s operation schedule, by making sure that the installation would happen within the 24 hours the ship was performing cargo operations. Therefore, we were pleased to win a part of the tender, and the customer highlighted that Insatech was chosen for our ability to run a hub at selected terminals, to install the system during cargo operations and as Insatech were able to sell and install the Yokogawa Mass Flow Meter which was selected for its performance and stability.

For the project we have delivered:

  • Hardware: +1,500 Yokogawa Mass Flow Meters with customized piping and control cabinet for data collection.
  • Installation: of the above-mentioned equipment during the 15-24-hour cargo operations.
  • Project management: planning and execution of pre-inspections. Based on the pre-inspections organize prefabrication of bypass, pipes, and data collection unit as well as shipping all the hardware to customers’ warehouse. Inform the crew when Insatech Technicians would embark for the most efficient installation (including information to the crew about what needed to be prepared, such as changing to diesel oil, shut off and drainpipes as well as supplying fi re equipment, enabling Insatech Technicians to perform “hot work”).
Billede1 Marine
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For this customer we have: 

  • Installed more than 1,500 mass flow meters
  • Performed hub-installations on +200 vessels
  • Spent more than 73,000 man-hours installing
  • Run 160,000 meters of cable
  • Made 7,000 meters of welding
  • Shipped more than 800 pallets with hardware
  • Delivered a turnkey concept with hardware,
    installation and project management included

Installations around the globe 

Until today the project has been split in 4 waves – where Insatech has performed hub installations at four locations around the globe:

  • Algeciras – Spain
  • Tanjung Pelepas – Malaysia 
  • Singapore – Singapore
  • Busan – Korea

“Proof of Concept” and “Pilot Class”

Prior to the collaboration Insatech was asked to make a “Proof of Concept”-installation in order to test if the solution, both hardware and installation, met the specifications. The test installation was performed in Bremerhaven.

Afterwards followed fi ve installations on the Pilot Class where the installation concept was perfected. From the beginning Insatech was aware that sail-along installations would pose a challenge to the schedule. That is why the hub installation concept was developed during the “Proof of concept” phase.

What is a hub installation

The hub installation concept is simple, as the installation is performed while the ship is performing cargo operations. This means, that Insatech Technicians embark and performs the installation during the 15-24-hour port stay in order to impact the vessel operation as little as possible.

A hub team normally consists of an Insatech Supervisor and an installation team of 17-18 people, comprised of local business partners. These teams could perform installation on up to 14 ships a month (one ship every other day) and resulted in more installations than it was possible with for example sail-alongs. Insatech performed sail-along installations on a couple of the ships, mostly because their schedule had changed and would no longer visit the hub.

One crucial factor that needs to be in place for the hub concept to be a success is logistics and that the ship is prepared by the crew before the installation. Insatech also performed pre-inspections in order to refabricate custom piping to each ship to optimize the installation and cut down on the installation time.

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