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At Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering, they always strive to provide the best possible education to their students, and therefore, they also prepare the students for the challenges they may encounter after completing their studies, whether they end up in a job on land or at sea.

As part of this objective, wehave supplied equipment to Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering’s test laboratories, allowing the students to gain hands-on experience with the equipment and learn about the importance of factors such as the quality of lubricating oil and fuel oil. In collaboration with the teachers, one of our product specialists has conducted tests using the DIGI+ test kit from Parker, including:

  • Water in Oil
  • Base Number (BN)
  • Viscosity

New flash point testing equipment

For example, the students are taught that lubricating oil needs to have a specific BN (Base Number) value to ensure proper lubrication. In cases where combustion is incorrect in the engine, there is a risk of increased acid accumulation in the lubricating oil, resulting in an elevated BN value. This, in turn, indicates a decline in the performance of the lubricating oil.

Furthermore, soon Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering will receive its new flash point testing equipment, which will also become part of the teaching materials. This equipment is used to determine the flash points of fuels and can also be used to detect fuel dilution. Similarly, just as in testing the BN value, students can also measure the flash point of the fuel, which indicates whether the fuel is correctly composed and meets the desired quality.

Expand the student's knowledge

Additionally, we have discussed the possibility of providing the students with an even better understanding of the quality of lubricating oil and ballast water. For this task, we can provide equipment to measure the magnetic iron content in oil and grease, as well as ensure that ballast water meets operational and regulatory requirements. This could serve as another method to expand the student’s knowledge, where they gain insight into the practical aspects of all the theories they learn, while also providing students with real-life experience in understanding how the industry ensures quality and regulatory compliance of their equipment.  

We would like to thank Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering for the collaboration, and we look forward to meeting and collaborating with the students in the future.

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Henrik Kaagaard Hansen

Key Account Manager

Tel: +45 2761 4518


Write to Henrik

Relevant products:

Digi Plus Test Kits

Parker DIGI Plus Test Kits

A complete, economic, oil analysis kit used for measuring and monitoring the water in oil content for industry, marine and offshore equipment, with the ability to test on-site and enable you to conduct oil analysis quickly and easily. Tests use EasySHIP Non-Hazardous reagents.

Flash Point Tester From Parker

Parker Flash Point Tester FG-K16909-KW

A uniquely designed flash point tester for the determination of flash points of fuel, its an automated closed cup instrument using a small sample size and 1 or 2 minute standard test time. Range: 0...300°C

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