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Where are we meeting you this year?

We are always looking forward to meet both new and existing customers at exhibitions around the world. 

Why meet our team at fairs? 

At the fairs, we can talk about your measuring tasks and give you advice on instrumentation, while we look at the instruments together. In addition, you can get a presentation of the latest news about flow, level, pressure, temperature, valves, data collection and control systems, calibration equipment, water treatment and analytical measurements.

Feel free to contact us to make an appointment prior to the fair. This ensures that we have set aside time for you when you come by our stand and that we have the desired equipment at the fair.

Past Events

10536430 L 150 Dpi Farvekorrigeret Gjort Mørkere CMYK

Set Sail for Success: Join Us on May 17th in Odense!

Mark the date in your calendar as we invite you for Half a Day of Marine Operations Optimization Learning!

169 Nor Shipping Logo

Meet us at Nor-Shipping 2023 in Norway

Meet us at Nor-Shipping from the 6-9th of June in Norway. Stop by and let us have a talk about how we can help you improve CII and manage EEXI.

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Meet us at DSM2023 in Sweden

Meet us at DSM2023 from the 28 to 30 August on Donsö, Sweden.

Europort Logo 2023 2

Meet us at Europort 2023 in Rotterdam

We’ve teamed up with our agent Theunissen Technical Trading B.V. and will be attending Europort Rotterdam November 7-10 2023.

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