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Use of our website 

Insatech A / S gives you permission to look at this page and print or download material displayed on the page for your own personal, non-commercial use provided that you ensure that all injunctions and prohibitions regarding copyright, trademark and other property rights are respected.

Therefore, you may not copy, reproduce, upload, forward or distribute the content of the website, including text, images, audio and video for commercial purposes, without the written permission from Insatech A / S.

Furtermore, the content must not be placed in a frame on third party websites (prohibition of framing).

News media 

If you are part of a news media, you are allowed to bring news from our news section without written permission. However, the news must contain our company name: Insatech or Insatech A / S, and as far as possible, a direct link to the news. If you use a news from our site, we appreciate that you letting us know at

If you want to bring other text from the page on your own website, then please contact us and get a written permission. However, it always applies that text that is not contained under the news section must have a name and direct link to the text that is being copied.

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