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We are committed to United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals

At Insatech, we have a goal of running our business as sustainable as possible,  since we want to take responsibility for both yours and our own actions and thereby help to secure the future - today! That is why we actively work with both internal and external sustainability.

In this context, we are measured every year on our initiatives by our owner - Addtech. Via a sustainability score card, we report our travel activity, goods transport, electricity / gas / oil consumption, own production, women in senior positions, etc. This information is reported by each individual company into a comprehensive report that is used to ensure progress, transparency internally and externally as well as maintaining our focus on continuous improvements.

In addition, the results of the Addtech Group's sustainability work are published each year in an overall sustainability report. If you want to know more about our specific activities, you can read more below.

The 17 Goals

To make our work with sustainability comparable, we use the UN's 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) to describe where we can make a positive impact on sustainable development with our efforts.

To target our resources, we have chosen to focus on two of the 17 SDGs. These two goals are carefully selected based on where we, with our experience and customer insight, assess that we can contribute most effectively:

Sustainability 169

Goal 6 – Clean water and sanitation

Pesticides in our groundwater are a challenge, and even if we stop the use of pesticides today, it will be a big task for the waterworks to protect the consumers from the harmful substances over the next 30 years.

Of course, we would rather avoid treating our groundwater, as we know that prevention is always the most important thing, but no matter how much we protect our groundwater today, the acute challenges with pesticides in our water supply will not be solved without action. That is why we have developed RemUVe!

Read more about RemUVe

Goal 13 - Climate Action

All countries are experiencing the consequences of climate change - and greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2, continue to rise. Emissions that today are more than 50% higher than the level in 1990. In addition, global warming is causing long-term changes in our climate system, which threatens to have irreparable consequences if we do not act now.

Especially, the transport sector has a high climate impact and since this is the segment, we operate in we of cause have chosen to invest here. We do this with our Fuel Consumption and Performance Management System, which gives shipowners an insight into their ships' fuel consumption and therefor the opportunity to reduce the ship's consumption and CO2 emissions. Our system provides insight into the ship's sailing patterns, which can then be optimized, and CO2 emissions reduced. We most often see a saving of around 3-5 % in fuel consumption, which for a container ship with a fuel consumption of 30 tonnes (per day) corresponds to a reduction of around 3-5 tonnes of CO2 per day.

Our fuel consumption and performance management system therefor contributes to the collective climate effort and thereby Sustainable Development Goal 13.

At the same time, our marine solution's CO2 reduction contributes positively to UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 14 - life below water , especially including sub-goal 14.3 - "Reduce ocean acidification", since the oceans absorb about 30 % of the CO2 that humans produce.


  • Our ODME systems and Bilgemon sensors ensure that no oil is discharged into the seawater and thus contribute to the fight against marine pollution
  • Our water test kit helps to ensure that sewage water is not discharged, which especially is a threat to the marine environment near-coastal areas
  • Our comprehensive program in ballast water testing, ensure that invasive species do not spread to the marine environment globally and locally

When Sustainable Development Goals becomes everyday goals

In addition to our focus on UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 6 and 13, which relates to our customer-oriented solutions, and external sustainability, we are also working to minimize our company's impact on the environment. Specifically, we focus on the following activities:

  • 100% wind energy
  • Solar power systems
  • Printing on FSC-labeled paper
  • No disposable plastic plates, cups or cutlery
  • Avoid food waste
  • Work from home
  • Automatic lights and electronics

Read more about our activities

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